Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Eating tips for teenagers

Many people want to have a good body, especially for girls. But, sometimes they have to torture themselves. They don't want to eat so that they become sick. Is it the wrong way, right?
So girls, to overcome this problem. I have many information for you, you just klik this http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Eating_tips_for_teenagers and read, then you can get many information about it :) happy reading guys :)


Friday, 28 June 2013

Hijabers Community

Hijabers community is a community of teenagers muslimah. They wear a various kind of veil. One of the famous people from hijabers community is Dian Pelangi.
This is a video of Dian Pelangi.

Source : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiFApjNXAb0


Magazine for teenagers

Twist magazine is one of magazines for teenagers. Twist magazine contains of celeb news, beauty, health, fashion, shopping, celeb style and many more. So guys, do you want to know this magazine? Just click this http://www.twistmagazine.com/ and you can get the information.


How to encourage teens to get more creative

This website http://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/845267/how-to-encourage-teens-to-get-more-creative explains about "How to encourage teens to get more creative". As we know that, encouraging creativity and imaginative thinking often becomes a challenge for us, because it's not easy. But, here has some tips that parents can apply at home. Such us, model creativity. You can be a modal for your teenagers and they can learn from you.
Then, ask questions to encourage problem-solving. Because creative occurs not only by making something or doing something, but also asking questions can be a creative. To know much information you can read that website. Thanks :)


Choosing Friends and Being a Good Friend

As a teenager, of course, you need many friends to complete your life besides your family. But nowadays many cases of teenagers, they choose the wrong friends that can make a bad influence for their life and it will be a problem for them. So, to prevent this case you have to choose friends and being a good friends. How to choose friends and being a good friends? If you want to know the answer of this question, you can check this http://mrelsingergrade6forums.yuku.com/topic/973/Choosing-Friends-and-Being-a-Good-Friend#.Uc3UbdhqzcI


A Teenager's Search For Happiness

Happiness is one thing that teenagers want. Every teenagers would like to get a happiness. Some of them think when they get a freedom they also will get a happiness. They want to be accepted, appreciated, respected, and most of all, happy. But sometimes they out of the way to get a happiness.
In this website you will get many information such as why teenagers search happiness, the way they search the happiness and many more.

Thank you guys :)


Keeping Your Teen Out of Trouble

As we know that every human has trouble, because nobody's perfect. But, we can solve this with moving in a positive direction. Such us, set limits, be reasonable, negotiate, and communicate. 

Open this website http://www.education.com/magazine/article/Keeping_Teen_Out_Trouble/ for more information. :)